La lettera di presentazione in inglese (cover letter) segue standard precisi ed è la prima cosa che il datore di lavoro legge. Concisa e sintetica deve dare subito un'idea di se stessi e delle proprie capacità. La lunghezza massima consigliata è di una pagina. Ecco un esempio di come scrivere la lettera di presentazione in inglese.
Company Name & Address (a sinistra). Your Name & Address (a destra)
Dear Mr/Mrs Name or Sir/Madam,
Vacancy Reference or Job Title
I should like to be considered for the post of Job Title as advertised in/on Publication/Website. Opening line about yourself here, for example: I recently graduated from Edinburgh University with a B.S.c Degree in Computer Science.
Further explanation: This degree focused primarily on Computer Programming, System Analysis and Design Implementation.
Il proprio impiego attuale: Presently, I am employed as a PHP Developer for XYZ Solutions, a website design company based in Edinburgh. The role involves understanding the new client requests, suggesting improvements to the design and building it to ensure it provides the best possible customer experience and fits the criteria required.
Altre informazioni: In addition to my full time post, I volunteer my spare time assisting operate a Charity shop. I undertake a variety of tasks, including providing customer service, stock control and general maintenance. Charity work has always interested me as I enjoy helping others.
Studying for a degree and working have made it necessary for me to learn very quickly how to prioritise tasks, and have instilled in me the need to remain flexible. I have had to be highly organised in order to meet tight deadlines both at work and study.
I feel that I would be able to offer the position advertised a great deal, as along with my programming experience, I have the ability to communicate successfully at all levels and a solid understanding of good customer service.
Many thanks for taking the time to read my application. I hope I am fortunate enough to hear from you again.
Yours sincerely,
La firma Your Name.

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